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Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracIni

Jul 17, 2018, 2:11:52 PM (7 years ago)



  • TracIni

    v1 v2  
    4 [[PageOutline]]
    6 Trac is configured by editing the **`trac.ini`** file, located in the `<projectenv>/conf` directory. The `trac.ini` configuration file and its parent directory should be writable by the web server.
     6Trac is configured through the **`trac.ini`** file, located in the `<projectenv>/conf` directory. The `trac.ini` configuration file and its parent directory should be writable by the web server.
    8 Trac monitors the timestamp of the file to trigger a complete environment reload and flush its caches when the timestamp changes. Most changes to the configuration will be reflected immediately, though changes to the `[components]` or `[logging]` sections will require restarting the web server. You may also need to restart the web server after creating a [#GlobalConfiguration global configuration] file when none was previously present.
     8Trac monitors the timestamp of the file to trigger an environment reload when the timestamp changes. Most changes to the configuration will be reflected immediately, though changes to the `[components]` or `[logging]` sections will require restarting the web server. You may also need to restart the web server after creating a [#GlobalConfiguration global configuration] file when none was previously present.
    1010== Global Configuration
    1717Multiple files can be specified using a comma-separated list.
    19 Note that you can also specify a global option file when creating a new project,  by adding the option `--inherit=/path/to/global/trac.ini` to [TracAdmin#initenv trac-admin]'s `initenv` command.  If you do not do this but nevertheless intend to use a global option file with your new environment, you will have to go through the newly generated `conf/trac.ini` file and delete the entries that will otherwise override those set in the global file.
     19Note that you can also specify a global option file when creating a new project, by adding the option `--inherit=/path/to/global/trac.ini` to [TracAdmin#initenv trac-admin]'s `initenv` command. If you specify `--inherit` but nevertheless intend to use a global option file with your new environment, you will have to go through the newly generated `conf/trac.ini` file and delete the entries that will otherwise override those in the global file.
    21 There are two more entries in the [[#inherit-section| [inherit] ]] section, `templates_dir` for sharing global templates and `plugins_dir`, for sharing plugins. Those entries can themselves be specified in the shared configuration file, and in fact, configuration files can even be chained if you specify another `[inherit] file` there.
     21There are two more options in the [[#inherit-section| [inherit] ]] section, [#inherit-templates_dir-option templates_dir] for sharing global templates and [TracIni#inherit-plugins_dir-option plugins_dir], for sharing plugins. Those options can be specified in the shared configuration file, and in fact, configuration files can even be chained if you specify another `[inherit] file` there.
    23 Note that the templates found in the `templates/` directory of the TracEnvironment have precedence over those found in `[inherit] templates_dir`. In turn, the latter have precedence over the installed templates, so be careful about what you put there. Notably, if you override a default template, refresh your modifications when you upgrade to a new version of Trac. The preferred way to perform TracInterfaceCustomization is still to write a custom plugin doing an appropriate `ITemplateStreamFilter` transformation.
     23Note that the templates found in the `templates/` directory of the TracEnvironment have precedence over those found in `[inherit] templates_dir`. In turn, the latter have precedence over the installed templates, so be careful about what you put there. Notably, if you override a default template, refresh your modifications when you upgrade to a new version of Trac. The preferred way to perform TracInterfaceCustomization is to write a custom plugin doing an appropriate `ITemplateStreamFilter` transformation.
    2525== Reference for settings
    27 This is a brief reference of available configuration options, and their default settings.
     27This is a reference of available configuration options, and their default settings.
    2929Documentation improvements should be discussed on the [trac:MailingList#Trac-dev trac-dev mailing list] or described in a [trac:NewTicket ticket]. Even better, [trac:TracDev/SubmittingPatches submit a patch] against the docstrings in the code.
    30 {{{ #!comment
    31 Please don't waste your time by editing the HTML code below, changes won't be picked up. Instead, follow the above guidance for suggesting documentation improvements.
    32 }}}
    36 See also: TracGuide, TracAdmin, TracEnvironment
     34See also: TracAdmin, TracEnvironment